We’re sick of the same old
we’re sick of rutine
we feel like we’re stuck here

We will change what we can change
we won’t keep up with it
we will break out of this prison

Spread your wings and feel the wind
take off and join the ride

Fly with me
‘cause when we’re up there
we are free
Higher, higher up in the air
‘cause we don’t
‘cause we don’t belong down here

Gonna write our own chapter
Gonna write our own book
Gonna change the plot we are stuck in

Wanna leave all those boundries
Wanna leave all those ties
Gonna leave all this fake world and those lies

And now spread your wings
and let our story begin

Fly with me
‘cause when we’re up there
we are free
Higher, higher up in the air
‘cause we don’t
‘cause we don’t belong down here

Fly with me
together we are free
Fly with me
Fly with me
Let’s be free

Fly with me
‘cause when we’re up there
we are free
Higher, higher up in the air
‘cause we don’t
‘cause we don’t belong down here

Published On: 10/01/2024 / Categories: Cançons, Cançons Catalanes /